I have been looking over census records from 1900 thru 1930 and found out that Granny Plummer's grandpa, Christian Cleveland (born around 1868) showed up on the 1930 United States Census twice; once in Cass County, Minnesota and once in Los Angeles County, California. Apparently he moved sometime during that year and was caught by the census workers on both ends.
More information about g-g-grandpa Cleveland; he had six children by his first wife Elise before she died in 1904. His second wife Edith (who was 20 years younger him!) helped to raise the kids from the first marriage and also bore him at least two more children. Granny Plummer's dad, Charles Cleveland appears to be the third child from the first marriage. Charles moved back into his father's household in Los Angeles County in 1930, and Granny Plummer was born to him and Kathryn Edens in Santa Monica in 1932.
Both sides of my family appear to have connections to Minnesota before my parents even met.