Two to marry in The Dalles
Heidi Billette to become Mrs. Joseph Bodolay
March 24, 2004
Heidi Billette, Lyle, will marry Joseph Bodolay, Lyle, on March 27, 2004, at St. Peter's Catholic Church in The Dalles.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Joseph and Susan Billette. The future groom is the son of Joseph and Margie Bodolay.
Father Todd Unger is scheduled to perform the ceremony.
Sarah Billette will serve as maid of honor while bridesmaids will be Kimberly Green and Debbie Pettitt.
Best man will be Zach Manning and groomsmen will be Jimmy Bodolay and Justin Bodolay.
Kurtis Billette will be the ringbearer and Miranda Billette the flower girl.
Following the wedding, a reception will be held in the church parish center.
The bride-to-be graduated from Lyle High School and Yakima Valley Community College.
The future groom also graduated from Lyle High and from Columbia Gorge Community College.
The couple plans a wedding trip to Cabo, Mexico.
Thanks my friend for the details from Joseph and Heidi's Wedding. It was brilliant. At one of the local Chicago venues we attended a family wedding in last weekend. It was a mesmerizing event that was managed by a popular party planner. Loved each and every detail over there.